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HIstorical Commission Minutes 9/1/10
Becket Historical Commission Meeting, September 1, 2010
Present at meeting: Rita, Rob, Harry, Aaron
Meeting called to order at 7:05pm
Rita read minutes from last meeting, no additions/changes/subtractions
Treasurer’s Report
Rita met with Amy, Becket’s town Accountant to get clarification on the gift account that the Historical Commission is maintaining. Amy suggested that we spend the money in that account and look into starting a non-profit Historical Society to collect any new money for the sale of maps and books. Amy recommended that the Historical Commission stop collecting money. A discussion ensued.
Rob suggested that we could either incorporate a non-profit or we could give the existing maps and books held by the Historical Commission to the Becket Athenaeum (since they are already a non-profit) for them to sell, in hopes that any revenue they receive would be used to educate the public about historic Becket.
Rita suggested that since Becket’s 250th anniversary is right around the corner, we should explore creating a non-profit Historic Society to collect and manage funds derived from the sale of books, maps or donations.
Rita also mentioned that a year before and a year after an important anniversary, towns are allowed to collect money for books, maps, buttons, etc. and that money can go to the town coffers.
Rob mentioned that, technically, the Historical Commission should only be collecting documents, not other objects of historic significance. This may be another good reason to explore creating a Historical Society.
It was left that we will all think about what course of action would be best. Rita will ask a County Journal  writer to perhaps write an article putting out feelers to gauge interest for a Becket Historical Society.
We all agreed that we should also think about things that the Historical Commission could spend the money in the gift account on. Rita suggested a new sign for the Town Pound, Rob suggested that we could use the funds to pay for the three directional maps that we have been working on.
We received notice from the planning board of a residence on Jacob’s Ladder road that want to reverse a staircase. No action taken.
We received a note from Judy Pillinger, who Rob has been attempting to correspond with for three or so years regarding a home on an old postcard with 5 maples. The note suggested that the owners do not have the information we are looking for, so we will leave this matter alone for now.
Open Meeting Rules Interpretation
We revisited the new Open Meeting Rules. We need to post an agenda 2 days in advance of meetings. The agenda should be as detailed as possible.
Old Business
We still need to present the design for the directional map to the Selectmen
Rita said she would help with the supplies to secure the railroad ties sign in Ballou Park. Rob said we could use money in the gift account for supplies. We will revisit this in the fall.
Discussion then ensued about the railroad ties sign. Concerns still exist about exposing the Becket Railroad sign to the elements and about it possibly being stolen.
Rita suggested that perhaps we could use money in the gift account to build a more substantial and secure structure to display the sign in Ballou Park. She suggested that Dave Bacon (sign maker) in Chester might be a good person to contact regarding this project.
Rob moved that Rita contact Dave to discuss this matter, Aaron seconded and all agreed.
New Businesss
No new business
Rita moved to adjourn the meeting, Rob seconds and the meeting is adjourned at 7:43pm